Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2007 Theories on the Human Psychology of Winning


It's all about Winning! We hear it all the time with regards to politics, sports, war and even in business on our TVs and Radios. The goal in human competition is to win and there have certainly been countless books written about the psychology of winning, what it takes to win and indeed the human psyche of winners and losers. In fact one of the most famous video clips of all times brought to us by the Wide World of Sports was "The agony of defeat!" We have all heard coaches and players talk about having a winning attitude and perhaps you work for a boss who has the same sorts of phrases, that he or she uses to motivate the team?

If you are a winner or wish to become one then you have certainly made a good choice in perusing my many articles on this subject and listening to what is discussed. I truly believe that there is no such thing as a loser. Yes there are people who lose a competition now and then and in contests where there is only one winner, that does not mean all those who do not win are losers. A loser is simply one who possesses the wrong attitude at the wrong time and will not commit to changing that attitude. To win you must focus on winning, envision the win and then go get it done.

Even the loftiest goals can be accomplished with the proper attitude and commitment. No winning is not easy, but possessing the winning attitude is and then it is only a matter of making a set of goals to get you to the right place in your mind, at the right time and being the right individual to win. How would I know about winning?

Well, lets just say I that I do have enough knowledge about the winning attitude, preparing to win and have stood on top of enough podiums in victory. If I can do it, you can too. I certainly appreciate you reading all my articles on this subject of Winning. Thanks again and Godspeed. Perhaps this article is of interest to propel thought in 2007?

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