Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What Are Your Money Beliefs

How many of the following beliefs about money do you believe? How many of the following beliefs about money have you said or thought in jest? Whether you have any of these beliefs or merely stated them in jest—they are unconsciously driving your relationship with money.

• most rich people become rich at the expense of the poor
• most rich people got rich by doing something illegal
• money is the root of all evil
• being rich is "ruthless money grubbing"
• I don't deserve to be rich
• being rich is 'bad'
• poor people are more honest than rich people
• poor people are more spiritual
• rich people are unfriendly and rude
• filthy rich
• I work as hard as I can – if I was supposed to be rich I would be by now
• my dad wasn't rich – all the rich people I know had rich dads
• all rich people are extraordinary – very creative, high IQ, gifted
• some people are just lucky when it comes to money
• it takes money to make money—I don't have any money, therefore, I can't make money except a 9 to 5 job

What you believe about money is influencing both how much money you make, as well as how you make it. Your beliefs about money, determines whether you experience infinite abundance or whether you will continually struggle to make ends meet. Your beliefs about money determines, whether you create money through suffering or have a dead end job you hate or whether money will come to you easily and effortlessly, by simply being a magnet for money coming to you.

Your beliefs about money determine your financial comfort zone, which is what you feel comfortable with on a subconscious level, in the deepest realm of your emotions. Your financial comfort zone is partly determined by your past experiences with money, unless you are willing to ditch them and focus on that right now, you are fully equipped to create whatever amount of money you desire and give yourself permission to experience financial wealth.

• How would your life be different if you had the belief that money comes to you as easily as the air that you breathe?

• How would your life be different if you believed money is just a form of energy in which you live and move and that all the money you can possibly need will come to you if you are willing to let it into your life?

If you had difficulty answering these questions or hesitated—you have determined that having all the money you desire feels uncomfortable to you. The next step is determining, which beliefs about money is stopping you from having what you deserve.

When you determine what beliefs stop you—you need to systematically root those beliefs from your mind. Replace them with a positive focus. For example: I deserve to be rich. The term 'rich' is someone else's definition—I deserve all the money I desire. Money was created for everyone's use equally.

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