Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Momentous Changes in Consciousness

Many changes are taking place in the world—stock market changes, businesses failing, layoffs, tsunamis, more severe hurricanes, global warming, animals teetering on extinction, wars and unrest.

We are also experiencing internal changes, whether we recognize it or not. Old form is falling away as new form is being created. Metaphysically we are all undergoing momentous changes, a shift in consciousness, an expansion through which we are experiencing our world and our lives in a new way.

During these transitional times, we are being summoned to rise to our personal best. This requires stepping out of confusion and being stuck, uncovering our individual unique path, dreams and purpose; and aligning with the passion, wisdom and direction that lies within.

Many times, to get to this place, we need to gently open to our emotions, feelings and energies, which we have been reluctant to share, explore, express or claim as our own. It is in the claiming of these very energies that allows us to "get unstuck" and open to our light, our source, and our true power in the service of love. We need to stand for authenticity, to say no to what is deadening, and to say yes to a new pattern in life. This is the hero's journey and is the purpose and function of our soul.

A death of sorts is occurring—the death of the old consciousness. On a spiritual level, we are embodying a bigger sense of ourselves. Such movies as "What the Bleep," "The Secret," "Indigo-The Movie," "The Sixth Sense," and others are bringing this new consciousness to a larger segment of society.

From this larger perspective, we see that everything depends on everything else—and that making selfish decisions that have a positive effect on some, but affect others negatively, will only wind up destroying ourselves.

The first thing is to rest assured in our understanding of what is really occurring and to reframe our experience. We are not sick, we are transforming. We are not losing, ourselves, we are gaining more of ourselves.

Second we need to surrender to the process and seek help to deal with the symptoms from holistic and spiritual practitioners, who also understand the process that is occurring.

As each change occurs universally, we need to integrate it personally through the different levels of our energy fields, or else the process may become a difficult one n which we experience suffering, The restructuring and release of cellular debris on the physical level can facilitate immediate relief and balance in the body. Exaggerated emotional states can be released quite quickly and easily through the unifying process of finding the root cause and healing it.

On the mental level, certain thought forms which are holding us back may need to be recognized and cleared.

As we experience a shift in consciousness, we might as well surrender to it, because it is in progress whether we believe it or not.

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